
Far More Is Going On Around Us Than Meets The Eye

By Eric and Wendy Hofman


Editor’s Note: Eric and Wendy Hofman serve at the Bongolo Hospital in Gabon on the west coast of Africa. Wendy is an ophthalmologist and Eric is an administrator. Here is a “blog” entry that shows that far more is going on around us than meets the eye:

And here’s something to celebrate! This week we heard Marcelin’s story. He lives in Tchibanga, a large town about 4 hours’ drive from Bongolo. Marcelin had been going to church just because it was fun, but lately he kept hearing the thought that he should decide to follow Jesus.

He had a Bible at home and when he was reading it he kept having the same thought come to his mind -- he needs to decide to follow the Lord. These internal nudges kept happening, but he felt that he couldn’t make this decision and be faithful to God in his home environment.

Marcelin began to have trouble seeing to read and had the idea that he would come to Bongolo. If he did, not only could his vision be corrected, but more importantly, he planned to receive Christ while there…..And that is just what he did!

He is a happy man and says that he plans to rent a place near Bongolo for several months so that he can solidify his newfound faith before returning home. How wonderful that he knew where he could go to find someone to pray with him to receive Christ and see better at the same time!

This is why we are here at the Bongolo Hospital. To be a part of the work God is doing here in Gabon. In this case, we hardly had to do a thing. Others planted, God watered, and we were just here for the harvest.

Marcelin’s story reminds us that FAR MORE is going on around us than meets the eye. Perhaps what we don’t see is more weighty and more real than what we do see.

Marcelin asks for prayer that he would be courageous and firm in his faith. Also, while he is here, Papa Paul (our chaplain) is planning on teaching Marcelin to share the gospel with others through the orality method Paul received training for a few months ago.

May God open our eyes to the work that He is regularly doing all around us each day!


Written by Eric & Wendy Hofman

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