What do Ministry and Eye Care have in common? Roger Cabe of Vision Outreach International, answers that question this way:
The two basic ingredients needed for vision to function properly is sight and light. Eye care providers only work on one of those two elements. Should God choose to turn out the light, all eye care workers would be without a job. There would be no need for sight if we all lived in darkness. Much like the sun ( S-U-N) gives us the ability to see physically, the son (S-O-N) meaning, Jesus Christ, the SON of God, gives us the ability to see spiritually. There must be interaction between sight and light for vision to occur. Let’s take a moment to examine the parallels between physical and spiritual sight. The outside portion of our eye is known as the cornea. For the cornea to function best it must be transparent, clear of spots and blemishes. A Greek word that sounds similar to the word cornea is "koinonia" which means intimate fellowship. In order to have spiritual vision we must have koinonia (intimate fellowship ) with God and it must be clear and transparent, nothing hidden. It means living our lives as an open book before God and others. Someone once told me, "The power of the sin lies in it's secrecy." There needs to be transparency in our lives. In order to see we need to have a clear cornea. The transparency of the cornea is washed regularly by tears that are formed in the eye. These tears are used to keep the eye free from dust and other particles that could have a negative impact on our vision. In Ephesians we read that there is a “washing of the water with the word.” Scriptures are to our spiritual sight what tears are to our physical sight. A daily meditation and application of scripture will keep our spiritual vision clear and protected from sinful particles that could ruin our sight. As the sun illuminates our way here on the earth, the Holy Spirit illuminates our way as we travel spiritually. The closer we stay to the light, the better we’re able to see. Our eyes are precious and need to be given the proper nutrients and protection. The same is true for our spiritual eyes. Maintaining both at their maximum level with give you the greatest VISION possible."
We want to challenge our members to get involved with the Christian Eye Network. There are many great ways for you to integrate your faith and the practice of ophthalmology or optometry. Become a Job 12:12 Mentor to a young doctor, participate in our AMP (Adopt a Missionary Program), Host a 1/2 day Regional Refresh meeting. Contact us at info@christianeye.net to express your desire to pitch in and get involved.
MSICS Training for SurgeonsThere is tremendous need for a very good cataract procedure where phacoemulsification technology is either not available or too expensive to provide to the masses that need surgery. Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) is the perfect surgery for much of the world: it is inexpensive, effective, produces minimal astigmatism, sutureless, safe, relatively quick to perform and is relatively simple to learn with good instruction. If you have an interest in doing medical missions in the future, strongly consider MSICS training. Our friends at Global Sight Alliance and Vision Outreach International would love to assist you! Click on the links below to learn more. MedSendEmpowering Healthcare Professionals to Serve the Underserved Don't let student loans keep you from serving as an eyecare missionary! MedSend will help you repay loans while you serve! Since being founded in 1992, MedSend has empowered hundreds of healthcare professionals serving in some of the most under served and neglected locations around the world. Read More... |