Optometrist Job in Central TEXAS!

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Optometrist Job in Central Texas. | An Incredible Opportunity to Care for Underserved Patients. | Work with a Private Ophthalmology Practice in Brownwood, TX. | Fantastic Doctors and Staff!

Optometrist Optical Shop CEN

Optometrist Job in Central Texas. | An Incredible Opportunity to Care for Underserved Patients. | Work with a Private Ophthalmology Practice in Brownwood, TX. | Fantastic Doctors and Staff!

Optometrist Job in Central, Texas. This is a small town, rural Texas opportunity with a private ophthalmology practice. This is a Great Opportunity to Care for an Underserved Population. Family Friendly Area! This position is open to doctors who want to work part-time or full-time.

Our ophthalmology group in Brownwood is recruiting an Optometrist for a wonderful opportunity.


  • Work with kind, caring ophthalmologists.
  • Wonderful family centered community.
  • Inherit busy clinical volume.
  • Attentive, friendly, well-trained staff.
  • Excellent equipment and instrumentation.
  • Attractive work environment.
  • Take your time with patients and build relationships.
  • No competition.
  • Private, Established Group Practice
  • Nice Optical Department

Our Community

Our practice is set in Central Texas in a quiet, uncrowded area of the Lone Star state. Our community is relatively small, and yet it offers so many great things to see and do. It is a wonderful place to raise your children and call home. We love the good people of this area as well as its low stress and overall quality of life.

If you love the outdoors, you’ll love our peaceful region. This is a terrific area for outdoor enjoyment. We have an outstanding State Park just minutes from our city center. Our community is situated near a large, beautiful lake. Hiking, biking, fishing, hunting and water sports are very popular here. You will love our starry nights, pecan groves, wildflowers and fresh air. We have good educational options for your children and there are plenty of ways for them to get outdoors and be active and involved.

The Opportunity

There is a huge need for an optometrist here. There is no competition in our area. You’ll work with 2 warm and friendly ophthalmologists. Our owner is good humored, easy to like and practices eye care with excellence and tremendous compassion. Patients come first—We are very relational. We are not focused solely on making money, we work to serve our patients. We love our grateful patients and they are a pleasure to serve. We would love to find an optometrist who has a servant’s heart.

Learn More

This is a great opportunity to "give back", by providing care for patients who are underserved and who need your care. If working with pleasant, friendly people in a family-centric area sounds ideal for you and your family, please get in touch with us at: info@christianeye.net.

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