Remember how challenging it was to be a young ophthalmologist in school or just starting out in practice?  For most doctors, that's a very uncertain, stressful time.  Thinking back, don't you wish you would have had a Christian mentor to talk to about the tough questions that come up?  In the spirit of Job 12:12 - "Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days."- Here's an opportunity for you to come alongside young physicians as they learn to walk with Christ while they establish themselves in their practice. You have something to offer - wisdom, insight and real world experience. Be a mentor. Let them talk to you, Listen to them.

Practicing and Retired Physicians:

We are actively recruiting practicing and retired physicians who are interested in modeling Christ's love to younger ophthalmologists.  Sign up to make yourself available.  We will pair you with someone interested in having a mentor.

Young Ophthalmologists & Optometrists:

If you are looking for someone to journey with you - be a sounding board, offer insights from their experience, pray with you -  let us know by filling out the Mentor Signup Form to the right.

"Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor: 
If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up. 
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
    But how can one keep warm alone? 
Though one may be overpowered,
    two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."  

                                          -Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Mentoring Program Signup Form
If you are interested in getting involved in our mentoring program or learning more about it, please indicate your interest here.
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