
photo rburcham missions 355x474


What's Your Mission?  

What's Your Vision?  

Where Has God Called You to Serve?

These are fundamental questions, and yet, depending on where we are in our life, they can be difficult to answer.  We know that sharing Christ's love with others and teaching them to do everything He said is essental to Mission (the Great Commission), but what about your vocation?  What flows out of who you are?  Some of us have a heart for the homeless, others feel called to work in pregnancy care clinics, or serve in some capacity in our church.  Finding a vision for your mission is one of the best questions for our community members to discuss. It's one of the biggest reasons the Christian Eye Network(CEN) exists.  We want to share stories from the community that will encourage, challenge and inspire CEN members to think outside the box and pray about God's mission and vision for their lives. The great thing about the body of Christ in action, is that we each have different gifts and they can all be used for Christ's Glory!   

We hope to see great gains as we exchange ideas, pray for one another, and share concerns and questions.  We encourage participation in our community.  Please share what God has laid on your heart.  If you have a special presentation like a powerpoint, an article or a Youtube video, please submit this to us below so that we can share it with the community.

In the United States we hear "missions" and we immediately think of exotic or remote overseas locations.  However, "missions" is more of a mindset than a geographic locale.  Your "mission field" is your own backyard - it's wherever the Lord has you at any given moment.  "Mission" might be best defined as the people you relate with on any given day.  That includes, of course, your spouse, your children, your patients, and your colleagues.  Once we adopt a broader "Mission" mindset we begin to better recognize the awesome nature of life and that God calls each of us to a daily "mission," whether we are a medical student, resident, fellow or attending physician or optometrist.


Be a part of our community.  We invite you to get involved, adopt a missionary, or explore the various ways you can serve a world that is in need of sight both physically and spiritually through Mission Eyes Network. Contact us at


Written by Stan Pletcher