Frontpage Feature

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Empowering Healthcare Professionals to Serve the Underserved

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Don't let student loans keep you from serving as an eyecare missionary!  MedSend will help you repay loans while you serve.

About MedSend

The MedSend Mission

In partnership with key Christian ministries, MedSend's mission is to strategically fund qualified health care professionals to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world.

Our Grant Recipients

Since being founded in 1992, MedSend has empowered more than 650 healthcare professionals serving in some of the most under served and neglected locations around the world. They often serve in areas of deep physical and spiritual need. As healthcare providers they are welcomed where others are not. MedSend grant recipients staff and run mission hospitals and rural clinics, which often involves training and mentoring Christian nationals into professional roles serving their own people. Through extensive involvement in community health education programs and in conjunction with Ministers of Health, many are working to transform entire communities and national healthcare systems.

Click here for more information about how to become a MedSend grant recipient.

Click here for more information about what MedSend grant recipients are doing around the world.

Click here to see what our grant recipients say about the importance of MedSend.

To learn more about MedSend, go to their website.  Click on their logo below:

 MedSend Logo

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